Jun Kurihara
Jun Kurihara (栗原 淳)
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Who am I?
I am a software engineer in networking, communication architecture, and security & privacy in network. Currently I am working for Zettant Inc., Japan since Jan. 2018 as a Principal Researcher. I am also an Associate Professor at Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo, Japan since Jan. 2020. I had been working for KDDI Corp. and KDDI R&D Labs., Inc. (Now KDDI Research, Inc.), Japan from Apr. 2006 to Dec. 2017 as a strategic planner and a researcher for security, applied mathematics and networking architecture. I had been with Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), CA, USA from 2013 to 2014, and with CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA in 2022 as a visiting researcher. I received BE, ME, and PhD in Engineering all from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2004, 2006 and 2012, respectively.
My detailed CV is given here (pdf).
My current development projects and research interests are in:
- Privacy and security in Domain Name Systems (DNS), and other related systems on the Internet and Internet services.
- New computing and networking architecture and so-called ‘security-by-design’. Currently, I am interested in edge computing architecture, its security and privacy, e.g., new theoretical (and mathematical) framework of secure in-networking communication and computation, privacy-preserving computation at untrusted third-party edge environment.
- Information-centric networking (Named-data networking; NDN) and its brand-new security mechanisms, e.g., security in edge named function environment.
- Information security and privacy mechanisms using coding theoretic techniques, e.g., secret sharing, private information retrieval, etc.
Software Development Projects
Most of them are Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects.
Selected Publication as a Researcher
Coding theory and its application to security techniques
- I. Kurihara, J. Kurihara and T. Tanaka, ‘‘A New Security Measure in Secret Sharing Schemes and Secure Network Coding,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 69163–69171, May 2024. [Online] Available at IEEE Xplore.
- J. Kurihara, T. Nakamura and R. Watanabe, ‘‘Private Information Retrieval from Coded Storage in the Presence of Omniscient and Limited-Knowledge Byzantine Adversaries,’’ IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E104-A, no. 9, pp. 1271–1283, Sep. 2021. [Online] Available here (pdf) (Copyright IEICE).
- J. Kurihara, R. Matsumoto and T. Uyematsu, ‘‘Relative Generalized Rank Weight of Linear Codes and Its Applications to Network Coding,’’ IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 61, no 7, pp. 3912–3936, Jul. 2015. [Online] Available at Arxiv. [Slides at SITA2014 (in Japanese)]
- J. Kurihara, T. Uyematsu and R. Matsumoto, ‘‘Secret Sharing Schemes Based on Linear Codes Can Be Precisely Characterized by the Relative Generalized Hamming Weight,’’ IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E95-A, no. 11, pp. 2067–2075, Nov. 2012. [Online] Avaliable here (pdf) (Copyright IEICE). [Review paper (in Japanese)]. [Slides at IEICE-IT-201503 (in Japanese)]
- J. Kurihara, S. Kiyomoto, K. Fukushima and T. Tanaka, ‘‘On a Fast (k,n)-threshold Secret Sharing Scheme,’’ IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E91-A, no. 9, pp. 2365–2378, Sep. 2008. [Online] Available here (pdf) (Copyright IEICE).
New networking and computing architecture and its security
- R. Watanabe, A. Kubota, J. Kurihara, and K. Sakurai, ‘‘Extension of Resource Authorization Method with SSI in Edge Computing,’’ Proc. AINA 2024, vol. 6, pp. 385–394, Apr. 2024.
- J. Kurihara, T. Tanaka and T. Kubo, ‘‘μODNS: A Distributed Approach to DNS Anonymization with Collusion Resistance,’’ Computer Networks, Elsevier, vol. 237, p. 110078, Dec. 2023. [Online] Available at ScienceDirect and here (pdf).
- R. Watanabe, A. Kubota and J. Kurihara, ‘‘Application of Generalized Deduplication Techniques in Edge Computing Environments,’’ Proc. AINA 2023, pp. 585–596, Mar. 2023.
- R. Watanabe, A. Kubota and J. Kurihara, ‘‘Resource Authorization Methods for Edge Computing,’’ Proc. AINA 2022, pp. 67–179, Apr. 2022.
- K. Ueda, K. Yokota, J. Kurihara and A. Tagami, ‘‘Two-level Named Packet Forwarding for Enhancing the Performance of Virtualized ICN Router,’’ IEICE Trans. Communications, vol. E102-B, no. 9, pp. 1813–1821, Sep. 2019.
- J. Kurihara, K. Yokota and A. Tagami, ‘‘List Interest: Simply Packing Interests Dramatically Reduces Router Workload in Content-Centric Networking,’’ IEICE Trans. Communications, vol. E99-B, no. 12, pp. 2520–2531, Dec. 2016. [Online] Available here (pdf) (Copyright IEICE).
- J. Kurihara, K. Yokota and A. Tagami, ‘‘A Consumer-driven Access Control Approach to Censorship Circumvention in Content-Centric Networking,’’ in Proc. ACM ICN 2016, Sep. 2016, pp. 186–194. [Online] Available at sigcomm.org (pdf).
- J. Kurihara, E. Uzun and C. A. Wood, ‘‘An Encryption-based Access Control Framework for Content-Centric Networking,’’ in Proc. IFIP Networking 2015, May 2015, pp. 1–9. [Online] Available at ifip.org (pdf).
Lectures and Seminars
- Security Engineering / セキュリティエンジニアリング特論 (Fall, 2020–2024, U-Hyogo)
- Network Security / ネットワークセキュリティ特論 (Spring, 2021–2024, U-Hyogo)
- Information Security / 情報セキュリティ科学概論 (Spring, 2021–2024, U-Hyogo)
- Information Security / 情報セキュリティ論 (Spring 2020, U-Hyogo)
- FIDO2 –Modern Authentication– (2020, Zettant)
- Introduction to End-to-End Encryption using JavaScript (2019, Zettant)
- NSF-NICT JUNO 3 2022–2025Co
- KDDI Foundation Grant 2022-2024PI
- JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for:
- Scientific Research B 2025–2028PI
- Scientific Research C 2022–2025PI
- Scientific Research B 2021–2024Co (PI: Prof. Koizumi @Osaka Univ.)
- Research Activity Start-up 2020–2022PI
- University of Hyogo special grant for young researchers 2021PI, 2020PI
Please send me a message through my LinkedIn page, or email found in my recent papers,